"FREE "Your Favourite Little Black Dress, Christmas Party Weight ‘Loss Secrets” e-book...

A very concerned single parent dad who is worried about his 26 year old daughter’s weight? Has spent nearly 2 years trying, on and off to convince his daughter she needed to lose some weight? Quite A lot really? As she`s not the least bit interested! So he’s going to compile the information that he’s learned over that period and turn it into a "FREE" "MY Favourite Little Black Dress, Christmas Party Weight`Loss Secrets” e-book...That’s why this blog has come about…

Sunday, 19 September 2010

"19 Million People In The U.K. Start The Same Point-Less Diets Every Year?"

19 million people that live right here in the U.K. go on some type of Weight`Loss crusade, EVERY YEAR! That’s complete madness that? And according to statistics there are 80 million Americans and 6 million Australians as well.

But hold on! You’re reading this so does that mean you are looking for a Weight ‘Loss solution as well then? Maybe you’re like most of those people above, tired of battling with your weight? You’re hoping to find that magic diet pill that will make you lose all your excess weight!

Good luck with that? “It doesn’t exist!” … But seriously you’re hoping to find that one little thing that will make you suddenly be skinnier, thinner, and lighter? ... Well here’s the bad news - It's impossible. Yep doing the same things you’ve always done "Wont Create Change".

Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings and all that. But the holy Weight`Loss grail is non existent! At least not in the way, you think it is? Seriously it’s impossible to get rid of the excess weight going on the same diet plan as you did last year...

And hoping your Weight`Loss results will be different this time round? ... The only way the results are going to be any different is when you decide "To do something different"!!!...

Did you know...60% of people who go on a Weight`Loss plan will give up within 30 days? Or less! And the rest, the other 40% will give up somewhere between 60-to-90 days. And what’s even more disturbing is that a staggering great 97% of all these people will regain what little they lost. Or put on More Weight than they started out with.

And that will be within the next 12 months. You know the drill, you’ve been there. You go on the next best thing since sliced bread diet; you exercise like a royal marine running up the Brecon Beacons. You cut right down on all the snack`y stuff, allowing yourself just one treat a week. Heck you’ve even restricted your favourite meal cos it contains cream and stuff.

Then you start to Lose Weight, Next thing just as you’re about to celebrate your victory. "BAMM"! Its all back on, plus more besides...Another diet failure under your belt, GREAT! Then you start to thinking what’s wrong with me? I can lose weight, but I can’t keep it off, then I end up putting it all back on again...and more besides?

Is it cos I`m weak? My Will-Power is low? My self discipline is not its ‘self?
NO! And Please;-…Stop beating yourself up about it? Would you be surprised to see sports personality win a tournament with his/her legs tied together? Of course you would! That is why your weight is not right…It’s like you are trying Weight`Loss with your feet tied?

But what does that mean exactly? It means you are not in sinc with your thoughts about your weight? ... That’s all! You think you want to lose weight but your desire to lose weight and your subconscious intention to lose weight are not in tune. They are arguing, in conflict, fighting. And your subconscious is winning the war.

Yep:-...your subconscious is saying "Actually I like my body the way it is"..."Thank-You very much" and as long as there’s conflict in those two areas you aren’t gonna Lose`Weight. …Simple as?

"You unfortunately, are going to remain overweight until you sort out your CONFLICT`S!" Then you will be ready to find a proven Weight`Loss Plan…
Till the next time. ... "May your Christmas Weight‘Loss success, be far more than you expected" David.

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