"A Recent Survey by M&S Revealed That 6 Million of You Ladies, Keep Your Favourite Little Black Party Dress`s for OVER 12 YEARS!" Its September already:-...A horrible thought just entered your head, "HELP!! …It's Almost Christmas! My Favourite Little Black Party Dress Won`t Fit?"
"FREE "Your Favourite Little Black Dress, Christmas Party Weight ‘Loss Secrets” e-book...
A very concerned single parent dad who is worried about his 26 year old daughter’s weight? Has spent nearly 2 years trying, on and off to convince his daughter she needed to lose some weight? Quite A lot really? As she`s not the least bit interested! So he’s going to compile the information that he’s learned over that period and turn it into a "FREE" "MY Favourite Little Black Dress, Christmas Party Weight`Loss Secrets” e-book...That’s why this blog has come about…
Monday, 27 September 2010
"Your Burning Christmas Weight`Loss Question".
Till the next time. ...
"May your Christmas Weight`Loss success, be far more than you expected" David.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
"Your Favourite Little Black Party Dress Won’t Fit?”
HELP!! …It's Almost Christmas! "My Favourite Little Black Party Dress Won’t Fit?"
That’s right ladies its Septembers already, that horrible thought did just enter your head. It is Almost Christmas! And yes maybe "Your Favourite Little Black Party Dress Won`t Fit You?" Relax;...I`m here to tell you to chill out, take a big deep breath 5, 4,3,2,1. Stop. "HOLD!” …Now breathe out real slow...through your nose. Ah is that better?
Good, right then-let's begin shall we? Firstly let me just say,
Ladies we know your very busy people, but please spare me just a couple of minutes of your already valuable time. I can tell you right now that we have a genuine solution to your favourite little black party dress, Christmas dilemmas. And, you will get a "TOTALLY FREE" e-book, just for continuing to read this article.
Sorry! And answering one simple little question? Yes that's right;-everyone who takes the time to help with the 1 minute survey will get a "FREE" copy of my soon to be released e-book.
Firstly, Let me just explain something very quickly, then we can continue. I`m a single parent dad Yes "DAD!" …With a very obese 26 year old daughter. Trouble is I`m really concerned for her health? That's not 100% true. She has two gorgeous kids, my grandkids. Shannon Skye who is 4, (Just started school) and (e.t) sorry, Eathan Thomas who is 2`ish. (2 in October) I don't want either of them to grow up without a mum? …My daughter, who is clinically obese?
...But she won't admit it!! (She's about 20/24 stone). Probably TWICE what she should be? So as a concerned parent;-She calls me an interfering xxxxxxx! Legally weather its interfering or parental concern, I have no idea? But as concerned parent of a daughter that’s already got seriously deteriorating eyesight, R.L.S. and I.B.S. I felt, and still feel. I've a moral duty to protect her health?”
So before she gets diabetes or worse, I hope she asks to see all my findings? …Remember “you can lead a horse to water …but you can’t make it drink?” See I’ve been looking at diet stuff for well over a year now, nearer two if I`m honest. ... Like I said at the moment, She`s not remotely interested in doing anything about her weight. (I think its technically called “denial”) …
…So I`m going to share all my 2 years of research findings with people who might be ready to make a few life ‘style changes? In that 2 year period I’ve researched diets, I prefer to call them weight`loss programmes. I’ve researched gentle do at home exercises that really will make a difference. Weight`Loss programmes that work, those that are completely ridiculous even those that really should carry a government health warning as they could potentially kill you!!...
That's precisely why this post has been submitted. I want to take all this high quality valuable information, I have learned and collected in those 2 years. Then make it available as a "TOTALLY FREE" downloadable e-book. And because you ladies know it's just about 12 weeks to the biggest party weekend of the year. I just wanted to know if there was one question you would like answered above all the others?
About weight 'loss, and in particular something that you’d like answered in this "COMPLETELY FREE" Christmas party, weight loss secrets e- book. "What would it be?" It doesn't have to necessarily be about weight`loss? Like I just said, it might be about gentle exercise? Or indeed any other issue that`s currently on your mind?
...Seriously there really was a very well known diet released 20 years ago that "COULD NOT SUSTAIN A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!" ... These Weight`Loss things are released upon you ladies every single year! …So you really should be careful about what information you follow?
That's just an idea of the things, the 50 pages or so, Christmas Party Weight 'Loss Secrets” e-book could very easily cover? Now it’s up to you? Please bear in mind that to finish collating all the information, into the e-book will take me a couple of weeks?
…That's why it's, so important as many of you ladies as possible, find and fill in this questionnaire? There's a link just down the page so please to make this book an informative and worth ‘while read as possible, please click the link down the page a bit. And submit your most important weight`loss question?
In the event that you are fortunate enough to not need such an informative book, and you know a friend or work colleague that might be, please pass this valuable information on to them...
They might let you read there "FREE COPY" of the finished book? …It will be ready in just a couple of weeks, once the survey has been completed. Like I said, there's some good news. Everyone that submits a question will get a "FREE COPY" of the finished e-book.
Although all depending on the amount of questions asked, your actual answer unfortunately might not be able to appear in the book.
P.S.;-Please make sure when you get to the ask question, that you put in your proper use email address or you won't get your "FREE" e book.
Please,Don't worry about your email address; we at Daimont are not in the business of giving out our customers details. "EVER!"
Heres the link to the question...question;
Thank-You David Montague. A very concerned single parent dad.
Till the next time. "May your Christmas weight`loss success, be far more than you expected"
Here’s a thought, and to show you I’m totally serious about this book. Keep reading I’ve included the opening draft of the actual book. So you can get a glimpse of what the book will really be like. Here’s just the beginning…
"A Recent Survey by M&S Revealed That 6 Million of You Ladies, Keep Your Favourite Little Black Party Dress`s for OVER 12 YEARS!"
Its September already:-...A horrible thought just entered your head, "HELP!! …It's Almost Christmas! Your Favourite Little Black Party Dress Won’t Fit?”
That’s right ladies its Septembers already, and yes that horrible thought probably has entered your head recently. Yes it is a couple of months till Christmas! And yes maybe "Your Favourite Little Black Party Dress Won`t Fit YET?"
Relax, I`m here to say "congratulations" I can tell you right now that you are reading a genuine solution to your favourite little black party dress, Christmas weight`loss dilemmas. Firstly let me just say that ...
"This is NOT A DIET"? ... "DEFINITELY NOT!!".
(And in just a second I`ll tell you why most, 90% actually-Simply don’t work? And why you should avoid them like the plague!) ...And as some-one who’s looked at loads over the past 2 years, I should know?
It`s going to be your secret, Lets get back into your favourite little black party dress. All over body toning that will..."Boost your confidence higher than a space rocket, energies you to move quicker than an Olympic gold medal sprinter. And make you the envy of all your friends, as you party the night away, practically non stop. In your favourite little black dress"
Ladies, do you really want to get back into your favourite little black party dress. And shake you booty at one of this years Christmas party`s?
Well according to those in the know September really is the time when you ladies think about Christmas. No! Not traipsing round shops all day! Being shoulder barged around, till your black and blue …Fighting over last minute Christmas prezzie shopping? Not that there’s anything wrong with good old retail therapy? Especially, in these cold dark uncertain economic times!
But more importantly we should be thinking about the “Christmas Party Season”. You know, trip to the hairdressers, back home on with your favourite black party dress, bit of make up and hitting the town. …Don’t you all like to let our hair down and socialize? A few drinks with family and friends, having a great laugh? Grab a few girl friends, have a great “Girlies night out?” And now we’ve seen that little black dress again... well who knows??...
Ladies, SERIOUSLY;-If you want to be back in that little black party dress in time for Christmas, we had better get right down to the preparations? Remember the biggest party weekend of the whole year is just 14 weeks away. You need to forget about all the other mundane stuff that’s been blocking your thoughts for ages, and concentrate on some "Quality ME TIME"
Now you’re thinking...Great;-BUT,
*You will need to go on a diet
*Start counting your calorie intake
*You will need to get to the supermarket
*Stock up on "Food Supplements" and "Meal Replacements"
*Maybe, you will try that new Celeb`type diet you saw in the chemists
*Maybe, you can go to the gym
*Three times a week should do it
*Use one of those rowing machine things
*You will have to start doing two shops!!! ...
*You CAN`T EAT what the family does now
*You hope YOU can do this; you need to loose some serious weight
Calm down:-...If you carry on thinking like that you`ll need to see your doctor about far more than, checking if you can loose a few pounds...Or not?
O/K, were here to tell you just a few home truths about dieting ...Or as we like to say "Weight`Loss". Firstly let me tell you...
"Practically everyone who goes on a diet to lose weight is wasting their time, effort, energy and most importantly THERE HARD EARNED CASH!"
Weight`Loss...”Is very little to do with food”. So right now your thinking “Of course it has?”
NO! ...Not really it hasn’t?
And now, by the way you’re shaking your head. I can see you`re even more confused? I mean that statement was a bit profound! ...I understand that. And now it sounds even more bizarre? So I guess I had better offer my explanation, and set the record straight. Of course what I really meant by that was
Weight`Loss...Is directly to do with "Your RELATIONSHIP With Food"
But WHY;-You might well ask? And now that you have, I can offer you an explanation. See it`s not you fault? It all started way back in history. As settler’s people needed to eat, sleep and drink, to basically live! …As we see in cartoons and movies like the Flintstones, we or some of us at least became hunter gatherers. Yes we killed food to eat and live. Then we started to get smart, we taught ourselves to, not only hunt ...but to keep animals for eating later, and for there milk.
Then possibly a bit like the economy of today, food started to get in short demand. Then as a consequence people started to stockpile it. ...There lies the problem!!! ...We started to stock up on the "Wrong types of foods?"
Then in certain situations like watching the soaps and stuff on T.V. (Nothing wrong with relaxing) ...but we grab snacks, crisps, biscuits and sticky drinks as we relaxed in the evening.
”So now just for a second, Think about this; You or your partner drive a car, sooner or later it needs petrol ...To live, to function, to work properly? But "you only put petrol in it, "WHEN IT NEEDS IT?” ...So why as humans do we, or “At least a fair portion of us, me included. Well certainly some-times
What, YOU DON`T Lucky you! ...And now I’ve offended you, "SORRY!!” ...But it’s perfectly true? " You DON’T believe me? ...Right then tell me truthfully, when was the last time 2 hours after a big Sunday roast...your lunch/Dinner whatever. You went to the kitchen to get a drink, and you picked up a biscuit, packet of crisps or a big sticky bun?
You’re nodding your head in agreement ..."Thought so?" Don’t worry, I`m not offended. I`m just glad, that were all on the same page. We agree that some of us at least, started to hoard and overeat? We became herder, hunter, and gatherers. But "What are we, as sensible people...What are we going to do about it?
We could all go on a "Low Calorie" Diet Plan?
Not a good idea! "Low Calorie" Plans are not designed for permanent "Weight`Loss".
*Here are 7 reasons to avoid a "Low Calorie" Diet Plan?
1/...They can actually slow down your metabolism. So fat loss is even more difficult to shift the FAT next time you try to loose weight.
2/...They can help you loose weight to start with, then your body can hit a fat loss plateau.
3/...You regain what little weight you’ve lost, and much more besides.
4/...Can seriously affect your body because of “Nutritional Deficiency!”
5/...The worst side effect of this type of diet, is that it cannibalizes your own bodies muscle tissue. Whilst your own body goes into starvation mode, to protect its dwindling energy reserves.
6/...The "Low Calorie" Diet can actually make you fatter!!...
7/...They lead to binge eating and weight re-gain. You personally end up with less mussel, a slower metabolism, and more fat weight than when you first started.
But what about "Low Carb" Diets then?
Again, Not a good idea! ..."Low Carb" Plans are not recommended at all!!...
*Here are 7 reasons to avoid a "Low Carb" Diet Plan?
1/...Low carb diet plans such as the Atkins and the Zone were popular in the 70`s. They are not recommended however!!... As they do not provide the right amounts of Carbohydrates that the body needs for its ordinary everyday functions.
2/...Therefore the body will start absorbing its own stored carbohydrates for the energy it needs to keep working.
3/...When the body starts to use up its glycogen (stored energy reserves) Water is released… …
etc, etc, etc...
That like I said, is just a very small snippet of the opening of the book. ...
Then it will go on to explain the rest of the reasons as to why a "Low Carb” Plan is not a solution? Then it looks at "Low Fat" Plans? Then there’s going to be some gentle exercises for the butt, tummy and finally the bust. Some simple stretches, its going to be an all over weight`loss and toning session that’s going to...
"Boost your confidence higher than a space rocket, energies you to move quicker than an Olympic gold medal sprinter. And make you the envy of all your friends, as you dance the night away, practically non stop. In your favourite little black party dress"
Not a diet as such at all?
So if you think it might be an interesting and informative read. That might just interest you. And you have a burning weight`loss question, you would like answered. Please fill in the 2 minute 1 question survey by following this link;-
Till the next time. ...
"May your Christmas Weight`Loss success, be far more than you expected" David.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
"Are You Getting Your Required Flavonoids?"
So what should we know about them? Well they are in a group called "The 4 A`s"!
Most flavonoids, also referred to as bio `flavonoids in the human body fall into the Anti-Oxidant`s;-group. Anti-oxidants are naturally found in plants and provide the rich vibrant colours of not only the foliage, but also the fruits. They naturally protect the plants from insect attacks?
In this capacity, they help neutralize overly reactive oxygen-containing molecules and prevent these overly reactive molecules from damaging parts of cells. They trigger the production of natural enzyme’s that fight off diseases like cancer, heart disease, age related degenerative illnesses.
Flavonoids prevent tooth decay; reduce the chances of you catching colds and the flu. In basic English terms, a flavonoid is a plant nutrient organic compound. Which when consumed as fruit and veg are both “Non toxic and very beneficial.
They also provide vitamins and enzymes, so they are just packed full of nutritional benefits! Here are just a few things that flavonoids do for you body...
*Strengthen blood vessels
*Enhance the power of your vitamin C
*Protect cells from oxygen damage (antioxidant)
*Prevent inflammation in your body/joints
They can also help prevent cancer, heart disease and strokes, and can help with issues like asthma, hay fever, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia and even your everyday bug bite.
You may not be getting enough flavonoids if you have:
*Easy bruising
*Frequent nose bleeds
*Excessive swelling after injury
*Frequent colds or infections
So, what does that mean? Well in a nutshell you should increase your intake of fruits and veggies! Are you getting your 5 a day? No!, I didn`t think so?...
Flavonoids can be found in apples, apricots, blueberries, pears, raspberries, strawberries, grapes, oranges, black beans, cabbage, onions, parsley, pinto beans and tomatoes, to name a few. They can also be found in beverages like grapefruit juice and green or black tea, even red wine. So no matter what your eating habits are, you can still get flavonoids into your diet?
You can also get extra flavonoids into your diet by taking supplements. You can get flavonoids in anything from grape seed extract, green tea extract to vitamin capsules you can purchase at the drug store. We do recommend that you get it naturally in fruits and veggies if you can, but quality supplements are always an option.
Flavonoids are a great preventative nutrient, and give you vitamins such as vitamin C, so you can't go wrong by adding them into your daily food routine.
Throw some blueberries in your morning shake, have green tea while watching your favourite movie, or even enjoy a glass of red wine with your friends, and you will be helping your body fight against poor health.
Now you know what a "Flavonoids" is? ...
Till the next time. ...
"May your Christmas weight`loss success, be far more than you expected" David.
"You Have To Have A Good METABOLISM To Lose Weight?" ... "MYTH or FACT?"
Myth Or Not;-"You have to have a good METABOLISM to lose weight?"
And our findings..."Complete Bulxxxxt!"
Listen, it doesnt matter if you are 5 pounds over weight or 300. Any excess weight you want to shed "can and will happen" just as long as you desire it? Everyone but everyone can and will lose weight if they understand just how the body works. Everybody has a metabolic rate and if you understand how this works, you can really benefit from it.
Metabolism is ultimately a collection of chemical reactions that take place in the body's cells. It converts the fuel (food we eat) ... Into the energy we need to live our daily lives. That’s everything from thinking about doing this that or the other. To actually doing it! ...
Our Metabolism is like the engine of your car. We put the fuel in one end (Petrol in this case) for the car to do or go where we want it to? The engine converts the petrol into energy and moves the car. Your metabolism converts your food...
Into energy so that you can move, think, sleep. In other words, do everything you want to? There are literally thousands of metabolic reactions occurring at the same time, to keep our cells in tip top working order. So quickly back to the car idea, some of us are cruisers we just go effortlessly along. Not consuming too much and not burning off to much energy.
And then there are the gas guzzling sort of 4x4`s. They consume lots of fuel (energy) and that’s most of us, You and me. There are 2 main ways in which the metabolism works.
1/...Catabolism;-Means the "Destructive part of the Metabolism". The bit that breaks down the carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which are contained within the food you eat. These more easily digestible forms are then burnt by the body as we produce the energy to work. The fuels for the body as it were. This is called an anabolic reaction which gives the muscles and tissues the power to heat up and move around.
2/...Anabolism;-The "Constructive part of the Metabolism". The bit that’s responsible for all the growth things in the body. This anabolic reaction is for the support, maintenance and regrowth of new cells. And the storage of energy for future usage. These work along side each other, quietly beavering away like a single team. They work in every cell in your entire body, the way they work is governed by both your Nervous system and your Hormonal systems.
The Metabolic rate of your body, Is directly proportional to the energy it uses, and the food it takes in? The body uses far less energy early in the morning, when were not very active. Trying to only take in the food for the conversion into energy we need to move, is the whole key to weight loss or weight gain? It’s all about trying to work out how much you are going to work, sleep, rest and eat!
The bodies’ complexity metabolism can be divided into 3 elements.
1/...Basal Metabolic Rate;- (BMR) Measured in Kilojoules. An average male might have a BMR of around 7,100kJ per day? An average female on the other hand has a BMR of around 5,900kJ per day. Best described as the amount of energy your body uses when resting in order to survive. To keep your heart beating, your blood pumping and you breathing. Between 65-80% of your total energy supply is used when you are resting.
Because the BMR accounts for so much of the energy we use. It's important to preserve muscle mass when you try to lose weight. The reason being muscle mass increases the amount of calories that you burn. That’s why it’s so important that your weight should not be the main measure you use when trying to lose weight.
Sounds daft but as muscle weighs more than fat, its perfectly true. Having good muscle tissue will increase the calories your body burns (or your metabolic rate).
2/...Energy expelled during physical activities;-This is the amount of kilojoules (calories) ...you burn as you move around or exercise. The energy expenditure of the muscles makes up only 20% of the total energy expenditure at rest. During strenuous exercise the rate of energy used by the muscles may go up 50-fold or more. Since the energy that you use during exercise is 50 x more, it would make sense to get moving much more?
3/...Thermic effect of food;-The energy your body uses to fill up with energy. Eating, digesting and metabolizing food. Regardless of what you thought about weight`loss before? Eating actually raises your metabolism. No wonder diet-obsessed meal-skippers burn less calories AND have no energy to move!
The metabolism rises as soon as you start to eat, and peaks 2-3 hours later. It can range between 2-3% and up to 25-30%, depending on the size of the meal, the person and the types of foods eaten? ... Fats raise the BMR by 4%! ... Carbohydrates by 6%! ... Proteins by up to 30%! Hot spicy foods have a significant thermic effect!
So that’s some of the science bit of weight`loss. And the answer to the question. Is a resounding great big "NO"!!... Weight`loss is a combination of things. So now you understand a bit about your metabolism. If you understand your body, you can manipulate it in ways that help you lose more weight. Here are the key metabolism tips that will hep you lose more weight...
1/...Build Muscle Mass;-As we just described mussel mass burns off calories.
2/...Exercise;-Essential and it is the only metabolism gauge you control
3/...Eat Smaller, More Regular Meals;-It has been suggested by some experts including Nutritionists that eating 5 Yes 5 meals a day, exercising and cutting out all the crap. Will jump start your metabolism and speed up your weight`loss goals.
You are now exposed to the reality of diets! Have a superb day!
Till the next time. ...
"May your Christmas weight`loss success, be far more than you expected" David.
"Foods That Can Work As Well As Prescription Drugs?"
But while many of us now see it as a source of positive health and nutrition. Very few of us see it. ... Or even realise, it can be a great source of medicine? As it is seen in many other cultures, and indeed many other countries?
Our relationship with food goes right back to when we first started to eat. ... Doesn’t that sound obvious? What I actually meant was certain foods are associated with certain memories. ... Both good and bad. … Happy and sad.
For instance when you went out for a special, meal when you were younger. There was family, friends and loved ones at the restaurant. And you had roast pork say, with all the trimmings followed by rhubarb crumble and custard.
Now when you see that food or even when you think of that food. You can instantly think of the restaurant, all the people and why you were there as well? Hopefully for all the right reasons? So as in this case food is seen as pleasure.
But it can be a source of pain, emotion, guilt, hard work or struggle as well? In certain cultures such as Chinese. The medicinal qualities of food have been practiced for literally generations. I`m willing to make a wager that there’s probably a Chinese herbal shop not that far from where you are sitting reading this, right now?
When I was contemplating quitting smoking I looked around one of these very shops. There was every conceivable medication known to man in there and it was all natural? ... Or that’s what it said on the door! ... I remember it like it were only yesterday, although it was almost 2 years since.
But seriously there was stuff in there for Acne, Headaches, Piles, Arthritis. In fact if you can name it and you know what it does and as long as its natural I`ll bet there’s some in that Chinese herbalists shop?
Drugs companies over the years have led us to believe that we need prescription pills and drugs to cure our illnesses. Yet in many cases, simple foods can work just as well. Here’s just a few and what results you can expect if you use them?
• Menopause;-If you're suffering the symptoms of menopause you should be eating foods that are high in Isoflavones. Things like tofu, beans and chickpeas. Isoflavones are very similar to Oestrogen, in that in a scientific test, Sage was proven to reduce hot flushes by as much as 60%. Sage tea made with 10 leaves and sweetened with honey is especially good for you.
• Blood Clots;-Kill around 25,000 people a year in this country - often while they're in hospital. To reduce your risk of heart attack caused by blood clots, drink ginger tea and eat blueberries.
• Vitamin B12;-If, you're elderly and suffer from tremors, tiredness and other neurological symptoms, you should ask your GP to test you for a vitamin B12 deficiency which is fairly common over the age of 60. Foods high in B12 include mussels, liver, beef, lamb, trout, salmon and eggs.
• Cabbage;-I have heard several women who have used cabbage leaves to relieve painful breasts when they were breast-feeding. I`m not sure what you do with them though? I have read that it can also be used externally on other external inflammations as well.
• Internally, it is particularly useful for gastric disorders and ulcers - especially if eaten in its juice form, as it is high in vitamin C and phytonutrients. It is good to eat to aid the recovery from illness generally, as it boosts the immune system. And helps eliminate harmful compounds in the body.
• In Chinese Medicine;-The way in which food is cooked is highly important as well! ... It is said, for example, that eczema sufferers should try to avoid eating anything that's been cooked with direct heat - i.e. roasting, grilling or baking. Steamed or boiled is best, stir-fried somewhere in the middle.
• Cherries;-Have been recommended for some time for gout and it is now believed they may be effective in helping relieve the pain in arthritis. Researchers from Michigan State University found anthocyanins, the same chemicals that give tart cherries their rich dark colour. Might just have more powerful anti-inflammatory effects than aspirin? …Definitely worth a try then?
• High Cholesterol;-Or if you have blood sugar imbalance. Then you need to eat oats for breakfast. Another interesting fact about Oats is they suppress Nicotine cravings!
Till the next time. ...
"May your Christmas weight`loss success, be far more than you expected" David.
"Real Men Can’t Go On A Weight`Loss Programme?"
Ain’t man boobs funny then? Seriously though:-...Why shouldn’t men lose weight? Surely just like women, a man can emotionally overeat? You might worry what your mates think? ... As you miss your regular nights out? Yes and you might worry about having a heart attack, as your heart cant cope pumping blood through all that fat!
You might worry because you think you will always be at the gym? Or you cant have alcohol if you are trying to lose weight? The reality is, men have just as many weight issues as women. And it’s perfectly O.K. For a man to want to lose weight?
Some people think men don’t talk about weight`loss because it’s a women thing! ... Or maybe there just too stubborn to think about it? The truth is men don’t take orders easily, they think they can do it alone!!... Sort of "in-private" like?
Trouble is when men think about weight`loss they automatically think of limp lettuce leaves. Cucumber, tomatoes and an array of different leaves and nuts? ... Basically "A Diet"!!...
They think that beers off the menu? Along with fags, takeaways and huge sausage and egg doorsteps?
Weight`Loss to a man means "Low Sugar drinks", salads, nuts and sweating buckets at the gym 4 nights a week, and I should know? ... That’s exactly what I Previously thought? When I started to collect all this information, I was well surprised at how much weight`loss stuff there was for men?
* I now know that you can still socialize and lose weight
* And its really all about "Taking Action"
* Deciding you want to get healthier and lose some weight
* And following a proven plan
If you dont want to lose face when out with mates? ... You know a few beers big burger chips coleslaw beanz and half a loaf. Then you have to make real changes when youre not with them.
But you will soon realised its not all about, Grapefruit for breakfast, muesli for night time, and very little in’ between?
* There was one such diet that caught my eye
* It was eat 5 times a day
* There was a "FREE FOOD" time when the diet was stopped
* YOU could have pizza, cheesy chips and 2 cans of coke
* As for the gym, who wants to go there anyways? ...
If like me, you’ve a bad back you probably can’t, especially not 3 or 4 times in the same week? Again this diet seemed to have that base covered, it said you could loose weight with virtually no real exercise at all!!!...
It said you could swim for an all round workout? I could try that. It said you could play soccer or chuck a ball around ... Er dummy I walk the dog 2 hours at a time, 2 or 3 times a week!
I love to walk or take the grandkids to the park; chase them round for an hour? This was called exercise!! ... I thought it was fun? I rarely took the lift at the hospital? ... Maybe I could get a byke?
Skipping won’t be any good, or jogging, they both would play havoc with my back? ... I said yes I know professional fighters skip..."I just can’t"!
Now the most important thing I read...and I read it everywhere, so it must have an element of truth in it.
* "Weight`Loss is all about making small but significant changes and sticking to them like super glue to your fingertips"!!...
* I am about 3 maybe 4 stone overweight
* I am seriously thinking about getting this diet/weight`loss programme and giving it a real try
* Sod looking or feeling stupid
* I want to have more energy and feel more alive ...
Remember Even As A Man, "YOU CAN DO IT"!
Till the next time. ...
"May your Christmas weight`loss success, be far more than you expected" David.
"The 10 Most Powerful Weight`Loss Ingredients!"
It’s all well and good about being fired up to lose weight, but if you start to hit a plateau. You might start thinking "I knew this would never work for me, why did I start the stupid thing in the first place"?
So we can now see why motivation is an important step, and almost as important as food itself? But were not here today to think about "just any food?" … Were thinking of foods that will help you achieve all your Weight`Loss goals! That’s right and there are ten of them? They will:-...
* Boost Your Metabolism
* Supress Your Appetite
* Help You Burn Fat Faster
* Make YOU A Much Calmer Person
* One is especially good for a more senior person"
1/...Green Tea;-...
Green Tea speeds up a sluggish metabolism and puts a "spring into your step". Certainly worth noting that green tea aids weight loss. Drinking quality green tea regularly is said to increase the bloods antioxidant capacity. Reduce the damage smoking causes to your blood vessels, and boost white blood cells. And it’s all down to the fact that green tea contains something called ECGC.
We wont discuss the science of that here but I can quickly tell you, you need to know they block the mutation of cells, reduces there damage and eliminate tumour growths. Scientists say green tea does block the enzymes that cause cancer growths. Meaning there’s not only a vastly reduced chance of you ladies getting breast cancer and men getting prostate cancer in the first place.
There’s also a better chance of reducing its damage. Green tea is said to be between 10 and 100 times better for you than black tea.
L-Theanine also found in green tea, Not an antioxidant though. It’s an amino acid, that boasts it calms, protects and restores the brain. It assists chemotherapy in fighting cancers, and boosts the immune system. Helps tackle the fact that stress and emotional eating are a big part of weight problems, by making you more calm and relaxed. Helps keep you motivated to get out and enjoy your life, without the need for comfort or boredom eating?
As L-Theanine is found in tea, a useful diet tip might therefore be to train yourself to enjoy a nice refreshing cuppa. But without feeling the need to have a few biscuits, or a hunk of cake to join it?
L-Carnatine, also called Carnite. It is found naturally in the human body, and used to break down fat and then to get the energy from the fat to work, to move to live. So you can see why its ultra important for weight`loss. We as humans eat a lot of dietary Carnatine in the form of meats and proteins.
The top protein sources of meats are Venison, Goose, Pheasant, Partridge, and Pork. Is a powerful amino acid that increases the use of stored fat as an energy source through out the day. Also, believed to reduce the feeling of hunger pains. Another great source of Carnatine is avocados.
4/...Chromium Picolinate:-...
Chromium picolinate, wow this sounds exciting, especially for us. Reduces sugar cravings, promotes lean body mass, lowers blood pressure and supresses the appetite. Is also said to reduce the amount of (ldl) bad cholesterol, which is said to be directly linked to fatal heart diseases. So where do we find this? It sounds like the weight`loss key?
Maybe not!! Sorry could not find conclusive evidence...But nor could I find inconclusive information either though? You can however find it in brewer's yeast, calf’s liver, whole grains, cereals, meats and cheese. Is a supplement that’s used to keep energy levels higher? Because of the way it helps balance your blood sugar. It can be very effective in controlling cravings for carbohydrates. Believed to be particularly good, for older people?
Choline is an additive used widely in farming; however don’t let that put you off? It’s for Lowering Cholesterol, treating hepatitis, and liver damage. It has preventive qualities for treating brain diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It is said to aid the memory, and enhance moods. Found in beef, liver, eggs, cauliflower, wheat germ, soy foods, cod, salmon, broccoli peanut butter and milk.
Inositol aids the breakdown of fats in the body. Is used to treat depression, liver complaints, diabetes and Panic attacks? Helps stop hair thinning and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Inositol is good for proper brain functions, and mood swings as it calms the nervous system.
Is available from both plant, and animal sources? Found in citrus fruits, nuts, seeds, wheat germ, brewers yeast, bananas, liver, beef, brains and hearts. Whole grains such as brown rice, oat flakes, unrefined molasses, raisins and vegetables such as cabbage…Is that enough yet?
Bioperine comes from the fruit of the black pepper plant, also called the long pepper plant. Increases digestion and burns calories faster. Especially the absorption of nutrients, because of the way it clings to the intestine wall. Often added to weight`loss products, meal replacements, and protein supplements to aid the work there nutrients do? So Not a fat loss product as such? …but nor will it add weight either ...but it’s more, an additive to speed up the absorption of nutrients, that are consumed with it.
8/...Capsaicin Extract:-...
Capsaicin extract is the active ingredient in chilli peppers which is used a lot in topical creams for pain and psoriasis. Medical researchers are also looking into it as a treatment for Type 1 diabetes and certain kinds of cancers?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, chilli peppers would be prescribed for weight loss.
Capsaicin extract has no real flavour or odour, to speak of, so can be added to a real variety of recipe. But BEWARE Capsaicin is what makes chilli peppers VERY HOT! Capsaicin is immune to extreme temperatures and water, making it practically impossible to dilute or weaken!.
Capsaicin is produced where the placenta and pod wall meet at the top of a pepper. The bottom half of a pepper is far less spicy. Capsaicin is measured on a Scoville scale; A Habanero pepper has around 200,000 to 500,000 units.
Pure Capsaicin can hardly be compared to a food at all though as its 16,000,000 units. Does sort of dissolve when added to some Fats, Oils or alcohols though, and that’s why it’s used in cooking. One should never try and cool a red hot mouth with drink when eating these? …a spoon full of food is what’s needed.
Scientist when working with pure Capsaicin, have to wear gloves ...as it quite literally burns the skin. Infact they wear all in one suits so that none of there skin, eyes, or body can get into contact with it. It’s that powerful!
The police use Capsaicin in pepper sprays, its also used in cream form to reduce muscular and joint pain. A natural evolution product, as it warned off predatory animals from eating it, although birds have no spice receptors so they spread the seeds. Best taken in very small doses with large amounts of knowledge…
9/...Vitamin B2:-...
Vitamin B2, also called Riboflavin, orange in colour and water soluble. That’s right, an orange powder with a greenish yellowy fluorescent hue. Not stored in the body, but need to be added daily. Has to be added as this is an essential ingredient used by the digestive system to release energy from food for use by the body. (Not for storing fat!)
Helps form red blood cells for human regrowth. An essential ingredient for a healthy complexion, hair and nail growth and for regulating the thyroid
Vitamin B2 is needed to help the amino acids and fats, convert the carbs in the body into energy. Riboflavin’s are found primarily in Milk (30% of your daily intake in one average glass-full) but also found in cheese, yoghurt, egg (yolks only) mushrooms, brewers yeast, green leaf veg, whole grain cereals, almond’s, wild rice, soybeans, spinach and poultry.
10/...Vitamin B6:-...
Vitamin B6 also known as Pyridoxine, again not stored in the body. Although to be healthy we do need it everyday 1.4 mg a day for a man, 1.2 mg a day for women. Found in a wide variety of foods like pork, chicken, turkey, eggs, cod, bread, vegetables, whole oatmeal cereals, wheat germ cereals, rice, soya beans, peanuts, milk, and potatoes.
We need it for the storage and use of energy from the proteins and carbohydrates that we digest as food. Helps form the protein in the red blood cells that allows the blood to carry the vital oxygen around the body.
Vitamin B6 is used in the body for so many important functions including the metabolic process. B vitamins are important vitamins in terms of weight loss. They are often known as the 'stress' vitamins. Vitamins B3 and B6 are especially important, because they help to supply fuel to cells, which are then able to burn energy.
We are:-...According to those in the know "What we eat?" … So these 10 Most Powerful Weight`Loss Ingredients, are going to be a very useful tool in your Weight`Loss arsenal.
Till the next time. ...
"May your Christmas Weight`Loss success, be far more than you expected" David.
"What Makes A Woman Attractive?"
It seems that the attention of a man is no longer captured by a pert bottom, never ending legs, ample breasts, or even weight!
Apparently a woman’s beauty or attractiveness according to anthropologist Dr Barnaby Dixson at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, is the size of a woman’s waist, compared with her hips.
During the study, a group of volunteers (presumably males) ...were asked to rate images of women for attractiveness in which their bust, waist and hips were digitally altered in the pictures. The perfect figure for women, in the eyes of men, has been revealed as 0.7, which means a waist measuring 70 per cent of the hip circumference.
Lucky examples are celebrities such as Jessica Alba, Kate Moss, Victoria's Secret model, Alessandra Ambrosio and screen vamp Marilyn Monroe. Infra-red cameras also tracked their eye movements as they looked at the photos. Dr Dixson claims: “It is likely that the perfect 0.7 ratio sends a biological signal to men that that woman is most fertile and most likely to produce a healthy offspring.
No matter what size that woman is?" It was disclosed it is all about the "distribution of fat" which is directly linked to fertility.
So there you have it ladies, if you’re looking for a mate, follow Dr Barnaby Dixson`s findings?
Till the next time. ...
"May your Christmas Weight`Loss success, be far more than you expected" David.
"4 New Rules To Proper Eating!"
Rule 1:-...Clean Your Plate...Or Else!
Remember that one from your mum, when you were growing up. And this "Food doesn’t grow on trees you know"? Actually some does;-…Bananas and nuts for a start. But if you had of said that back to her though, you wouldn’t be sitting down this afternoon!
But seriously, your mum most likely said that because there weren’t a lot of food to go round. So you were in actual fact taught "not to waste food", as opposed to "eat everything that you can get onto a plate"! ... Though you probably weren’t excused from the table till your plate was empty?
If you never emptied it, you might just get it back in front of you at the next meal time. These strict regimes might seem funny to us these days, but they might have taught at least some of us..."Some very bad habits"?
Some of us at least, might have remembered that you have to eat everything that’s on your plate. And as we can see all around us that as food companies jostle for our money. Portion sizes have shot up dramatically? So it comes as no surprise that more and more of us overeat.
Rule 2:-...No More Overeating!
So let us remember that we no longer need to finish all the food on our plates. No-one is going to put in back in front of us next mealtime! Here are some sensible rules to avoid overeating.
* You can start with just the simplest of steps. Use a smaller plate! Sounds simple Right? … Yes it does, but that’s because it is simple. And it’s true? If you use a smaller dinner plate, not that big platter type one that you prefer. You will still fill it up as normal...But you will be eating much less!
* Instead of putting the knives, forks, spoons, plates and stuff on the dinner table, then bringing in those great big serving dishes. Why not dish up an average portion on a smaller plate? When people ask for more tell them its in the kitchen. Most wont bother!
* Eat slower, and taste your food. Instead of eating in front of the telly! Try sitting down properly, at a table and chairs, like a family. Eating whilst there are other distractions can very soon lead to overeating. Because we don’t realise just how much we have actually eaten!
* Sit still for a few minutes after you think you’ve finished eating. If you then think you’ve eaten sufficient? "Don’t Eat More!!... If you are genuinely still hungry, just have another spoonful.
* Try to only eat lean protein, like Fish, Chicken, and Turkey. Flounder is considered to be the most protein enriched fish. Although canned tuna and salmon contain fat, they are both still very good. As for the chicken, and even turkey especially at Christmas.
Remember the lean white meat is best at an average portion containing 25/27 grams of protein. Course there’s the Lentils, black `beanz and soya nuts. Black bean soup is another great source. Proteins make you stay fuller longer. Don’t forget the portion size though?
A portion size for a female is about the size of the palm of one hand. For a man its two pieces that size? Protein helps the body muscle mass to form, and is vital for your tissues and organs. Protein is very beneficial to a healthy lifestyle.
Rule 3:-...Don`t Over ‘eat At Restaurants!
Restaurants can be a nightmare for someone on a weight ‘loss programme. Or someone who has to watch there food intake? Overeating in restaurants is quite a common occurrence, as like the T.V. scenario we are distracted. Although this time its likely to be by friends and family.
There is another reason though...its big plates and big portions! Here are some tips to cutting down whilst still enjoying a meal out with family and friends.
* When the waitress or server takes your order ask if it can be split in two? One half on your dinner plate, and the other in a take ‘away container.
* Order from the child’s menu?
* Stay well away from the basket of rolls. As everyone else tucks in. Just take one to enjoy with your meal. But don’t eat one now. Just because all the others are. Even if you ate a roll now, with butter or marge. And kept another to enjoy with your main course.
Just because "you think you’re starving?" … You will still, more than likely eat all your meal and a desert. Meaning that infact you have just over eaten quite a bit!
* When your meal arrives at the table, look at it before diving straight in. Always pay attention to just how much food you are eating! Remember to eat slowly and enjoy your food.
Rule 4:-...BRAND NEW RULE:-...Eat Only Until You Are FULL!
* Your BRAND NEW RULE:-...Eat Only Until You Are FULL!
Sounds like good honest sensible advice, If you ask me?
* That’s right: If, You were to only eat, as much as YOU need until you are full. You would probably never get fat! Being healthy does not mean leaving the table when you’ve NOT had enough to eat? But having said that we have seen in at least two of the examples here that you do need to paying attention to "how much and what", you are eating?
Till the next time…
“May your Christmas Weight ‘Loss success, be far more than you expected” David.
"19 Million People In The U.K. Start The Same Point-Less Diets Every Year?"
But hold on! You’re reading this so does that mean you are looking for a Weight ‘Loss solution as well then? Maybe you’re like most of those people above, tired of battling with your weight? You’re hoping to find that magic diet pill that will make you lose all your excess weight!
Good luck with that? “It doesn’t exist!” … But seriously you’re hoping to find that one little thing that will make you suddenly be skinnier, thinner, and lighter? ... Well here’s the bad news - It's impossible. Yep doing the same things you’ve always done "Wont Create Change".
Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings and all that. But the holy Weight`Loss grail is non existent! At least not in the way, you think it is? Seriously it’s impossible to get rid of the excess weight going on the same diet plan as you did last year...
And hoping your Weight`Loss results will be different this time round? ... The only way the results are going to be any different is when you decide "To do something different"!!!...
Did you know...60% of people who go on a Weight`Loss plan will give up within 30 days? Or less! And the rest, the other 40% will give up somewhere between 60-to-90 days. And what’s even more disturbing is that a staggering great 97% of all these people will regain what little they lost. Or put on More Weight than they started out with.
And that will be within the next 12 months. You know the drill, you’ve been there. You go on the next best thing since sliced bread diet; you exercise like a royal marine running up the Brecon Beacons. You cut right down on all the snack`y stuff, allowing yourself just one treat a week. Heck you’ve even restricted your favourite meal cos it contains cream and stuff.
Then you start to Lose Weight, Next thing just as you’re about to celebrate your victory. "BAMM"! Its all back on, plus more besides...Another diet failure under your belt, GREAT! Then you start to thinking what’s wrong with me? I can lose weight, but I can’t keep it off, then I end up putting it all back on again...and more besides?
Is it cos I`m weak? My Will-Power is low? My self discipline is not its ‘self?
NO! And Please;-…Stop beating yourself up about it? Would you be surprised to see sports personality win a tournament with his/her legs tied together? Of course you would! That is why your weight is not right…It’s like you are trying Weight`Loss with your feet tied?
But what does that mean exactly? It means you are not in sinc with your thoughts about your weight? ... That’s all! You think you want to lose weight but your desire to lose weight and your subconscious intention to lose weight are not in tune. They are arguing, in conflict, fighting. And your subconscious is winning the war.
Yep:-...your subconscious is saying "Actually I like my body the way it is"..."Thank-You very much" and as long as there’s conflict in those two areas you aren’t gonna Lose`Weight. …Simple as?
"You unfortunately, are going to remain overweight until you sort out your CONFLICT`S!" Then you will be ready to find a proven Weight`Loss Plan…
Till the next time. ... "May your Christmas Weight‘Loss success, be far more than you expected" David.